War Of The Mind

A Roadmap through Trauma: Understanding, Healing, and Resilience

August 22, 2023 Loren Johnson Season 2 Episode 2
A Roadmap through Trauma: Understanding, Healing, and Resilience
War Of The Mind
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War Of The Mind
A Roadmap through Trauma: Understanding, Healing, and Resilience
Aug 22, 2023 Season 2 Episode 2
Loren Johnson

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How well do you understand trauma and its profound impact on mental health? We're delving into an essential discussion on trauma, its effects, and the critical treatment approaches aiding healing and resilience. We take you on a journey examining how trauma, an overwhelming experience that can leave individuals feeling helpless and powerless, can impact lives. We're talking about its root causes, from sexual assault and emotional abuse to natural disasters and life-threatening events. The conversation flows into the perspective of trauma as seen by various professionals, from medical experts, mental health professionals, educators, to law enforcement. We're going to demystify therapeutic approaches like cognitive behavioral therapy, desensitization, reprocessing, and somatic therapies. 

We believe in the power of resilience and healing. That's why we're exploring trauma-informed care, evidence-based treatments, and mindfulness practices that can help manage stress and anxiety. Learn about Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), the ABC model, and how these techniques can increase self-awareness and personal responsibility. We delve into EMDR, the Window of Tolerance, Cognitive Interweave, and how these strategies play a part in dealing with trauma. And because we know self-care is at the heart of resilience, we're discussing how engaging in self-care activities can aid in the journey to becoming better equipped to handle stress and trauma. Lastly, for our mindful listeners, visit our website, ljvoiceproject.com, and send us your comments. The first five commenters will receive a special surprise! So, don't hesitate, visit our website, tune in to the conversation, and you might just be the lucky winner.

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"Thank you for joining 'War of The Mind,' your essential guide to exploring emotional intelligence, mental health, and personal growth. Remember, self-awareness is the beacon illuminating your unique path of transformation and resilience. Join us again on our next adventure through the realm of mindfulness and self-improvement! #WarOfTheMind #MentalWellbeing #EmotionalIntelligence #SelfAwareness #PersonalGrowth"

1. Mental Health 2. Self-Awareness 3. Emotional Intelligence 4. Personal Growth 5. Mindfulness 6. Stress Management 7. Anxiety Disorders 8. Depression 9. Self-Improvement 10. self-improvement 11. Mental Resilience 12. Psychological Well-being 13. Transformation 14. Mental Health Advocacy 15. Consciousness Exploration

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How well do you understand trauma and its profound impact on mental health? We're delving into an essential discussion on trauma, its effects, and the critical treatment approaches aiding healing and resilience. We take you on a journey examining how trauma, an overwhelming experience that can leave individuals feeling helpless and powerless, can impact lives. We're talking about its root causes, from sexual assault and emotional abuse to natural disasters and life-threatening events. The conversation flows into the perspective of trauma as seen by various professionals, from medical experts, mental health professionals, educators, to law enforcement. We're going to demystify therapeutic approaches like cognitive behavioral therapy, desensitization, reprocessing, and somatic therapies. 

We believe in the power of resilience and healing. That's why we're exploring trauma-informed care, evidence-based treatments, and mindfulness practices that can help manage stress and anxiety. Learn about Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), the ABC model, and how these techniques can increase self-awareness and personal responsibility. We delve into EMDR, the Window of Tolerance, Cognitive Interweave, and how these strategies play a part in dealing with trauma. And because we know self-care is at the heart of resilience, we're discussing how engaging in self-care activities can aid in the journey to becoming better equipped to handle stress and trauma. Lastly, for our mindful listeners, visit our website, ljvoiceproject.com, and send us your comments. The first five commenters will receive a special surprise! So, don't hesitate, visit our website, tune in to the conversation, and you might just be the lucky winner.

check out https://www.ljvoiceproject.com
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"Thank you for joining 'War of The Mind,' your essential guide to exploring emotional intelligence, mental health, and personal growth. Remember, self-awareness is the beacon illuminating your unique path of transformation and resilience. Join us again on our next adventure through the realm of mindfulness and self-improvement! #WarOfTheMind #MentalWellbeing #EmotionalIntelligence #SelfAwareness #PersonalGrowth"

1. Mental Health 2. Self-Awareness 3. Emotional Intelligence 4. Personal Growth 5. Mindfulness 6. Stress Management 7. Anxiety Disorders 8. Depression 9. Self-Improvement 10. self-improvement 11. Mental Resilience 12. Psychological Well-being 13. Transformation 14. Mental Health Advocacy 15. Consciousness Exploration

Speaker 1:

And welcome to another show of War of the Mind. I'm your host, lauren Johnson, and last week we talked a little bit about bullying. You know bullying can lead into other things, like trauma. Everybody is different. You know Somebody's picking on somebody, beating on them, bullying them.

Speaker 1:

You know that can cause trauma to an individual and it's not cool, but it happens every day, from adults to workplace to our kids at school, and it's sad how these kids learn it. You know a lot of it has to do with parenting and you look back in the day. You know, like my parents, my grandma, grandpa, and there wasn't really bullying. People had respect for each other. Nowadays no one really has respect for anybody. Everybody's out for themselves. And you know, if you're going to get further in life you have to be able to open yourself up to ask for help or reach out and help somebody else. And you can't do that if you're sitting there running the streets or at workplace bullying people and thinking you're the best and brown nosing all the way up to the boss. You know that stuff catches up to you and you know that causes trauma to people. And you know trauma is an experience that overwhelms a person's ability to cope, leading them feeling helpless and powerless. Traumatic experiences, you know, can include sexual assault, emotional abuse, neglect, accidents, natural disasters, life-threatening events. Trauma can cause, you know, a range from physical to emotional, including anxiety, depression, ptsd and substance abuse. Substance abuse a huge one, even with COVID, I think you know. It's caused a lot of people to either relapse or become an addict. I know that statistic grows.

Speaker 1:

Trauma is a complex issue that affects individuals in different ways. Now, there's no one size that fits all approach to the treatment for trauma. However, there are some key principles that guide the effect of trauma therapy the importance of safety. One of the most important principles of trauma therapy is creating a safe space for the individual. This means providing a supportive and valid environment where the person feels heard, seen and understood. A trauma-informed therapist will work to create therapeutic relationships that is based on trust, respect and collaboration. Let's see here Trauma refers to experiences that are overwhelming, often involving a threat to life or physical and entirety, and can result in long lasting psychological effects.

Speaker 1:

Trauma can lead to a variety of symptoms, including intrusive thoughts, nightmares, avoidance, hyper-prosal and emotional numbing. There are different types of trauma, including acute, chronic, complex and developmental trauma. Trauma can impact the brain development and there is evidence to suggest that early trauma can lead to long-term physical and mental health problems. There are different approaches to treating trauma, including cognitive behavioral therapy, high movement, desensitization and reprocessing, and somatic therapies. Now, if you're a medical professional, trauma has a physical injury with long-term health consequences. If you're a mental health professional, trauma has a psychological injury that can lead to various mental health conditions. Social workers trauma is a social issue that disproportionately affects marginalized population.

Speaker 1:

Now, I worked in law enforcement for 10 years and trauma is a result of exposure to violence and other traumatic events in the line of duty. Now I've seen people die. I crush this. I've seen people commit suicide. I've held kids in my arms praying that they're going to make it. That really traumatized me and still does today, because I promised that little boy that he was going to make it and he didn't. He weighs on me every day. But you know the state patrol. They just blah, expect me to go to work four hours later and work my shift like nothing happened. That was about the point. I had worked for another four years, but at that point I really, really wanted to be done. I just it was. That traumatic event caused me to not want to be a trooper anymore.

Speaker 1:

You know military trauma as a result of exposure to combat and other high stress. You know those poor her vets. They think about everything they see and losing their friends, losing their. You know comrades and, but yet at the same time shooting, killing other people. You know educators, advocates, trauma, systematic issues. You know it's important for clinicians to be aware of the potential impact of trauma on their clients and be trained in trauma informed care.

Speaker 1:

In summary, trauma refers to overwhelming experiences that can have a long lasting psychological effects and there are different types of approaches to treating trauma. That requires clinicians to be trained in trauma informed care. Now, regarding recommended types of care for individuals facing day to day trauma and PTSD, evidence-based treatments include CBT, cognitive behavioral therapy, exposure therapy, emdr and somatic therapies. Now there's also DBT. Dialectical behavioral therapy is also essential for prioritizing self-care, such as regular exercise, eating healthy, stress reduction, support groups and purely lead. The lead groups can provide emotional support and validation, and trauma informed care approaches can help ensure the individuals feel safe and respected and empowered in their interactions with healthcare providers, educators and other professionals. Here's it. I have a table here outlining different audiences and their perspectives on trauma along with their motivations. Now I can post this on our website or social media and you guys can check it out. It's really good. It's medical professionals and their perspective and then their motivation. And it's got law enforcement trauma as a result of exposure to violence and alleged violence and online duty and the importance of trauma informed approaches in policing to promote safety and wellbeing in the community is their motivation.

Speaker 1:

As renowned psychiatrist and author, you know the focus has been reverted in research, personal curiosity, experience. You know I have experienced expertise in the trauma. I've lived it. Over the course of my career. I've come to appreciate a space of impact of trauma to unmental health and wellbeing and the power of the community and unmental health and wellbeing and the power of treatment understand trauma.

Speaker 1:

As we continue to learn more about the impact of trauma on mental health and well-being, it is my hope that we will continue to prioritize research and practice that supports healing and recovery and this is why I want to eventually build a retreat center so that if a person feels like they're going to relapse or having a mental breakdown, don't want to go to the hospital, don't want to go to treatment, don't want to go to AANA, but they want a safe place to go to where they can stay one night, two nights a week, and we'll have classes and therapists there and peer support and get you back on your feet and just take a break from life. And it's going to be called milestone legacy and that's the long-term goal is build that facility. You know want to have animals, art, all that stuff, and pretty soon here we're going to be asking for donations and I think it's something our community needs. I don't think there's enough of them and you know we just have to raise the money for it and taking donations. So if you're looking to donate, go ahead and check out our Twitter account and you can donate there and looking at it.

Speaker 1:

As we continue to learn more about the impact trauma on our mental health and well-being, it is my hope to change recovery by prompting trauma-informed care, increasing access to evidence-based treatments. Trauma is an experience that overwhelms a person's ability to cope, leaving them feeling helpless and powerless. Dramatic experiences can include physical, sexual, emotional abuse, neglect, accidents and other life-threatening events. There's also complex trauma, which is even worse and it probably takes a lifetime to get under control. You know, athletes can even face a range of mental health challenges, from performance anxiety to burnout. They need mental training techniques to help them manage their emotions and improve their performance. They can benefit from mindfulness practices, visualization exercises and techniques for managing stress and anxiety. Business owners can even you know employees, health care workers, parents, parents face a range of stressors for managing their own work, personal responsibilities, raising happy, healthy children. They need practical tools for managing their own stress and prompting positive parenting. They can benefit from mindfulness practices, gratitude exercises and techniques for managing their emotions and relationships. Elder care workers, first responders, military mental health professionals, social workers, caregivers A caregiver, because my wife is also a caregiver Care workers face unique stressors for managing their needs of their loved ones to dealing with their own emotional and physical demands. They need techniques for managing their stress levels and promoting positive relationships with their clients. They can benefit from mindfulness practices, self-care strategies and techniques that their emotions build in resilience.

Speaker 1:

Now, like I said before, there's CBT, dbt, all those First one on. Where we'll cover is dialectical behavior therapy or DBT, is a therapy approach that emphasizes balancing acceptance and change when working with trauma. I'll now think about a DBT-improved particularly help, as it can help clients learn new coping skills to manage difficult emotions, improve relationships increase self-awareness. Here are three strategic models that can be used when implementing DBT and trauma the informed approach Now there's an ABC model Now the word I can't really say anicdent and descendant Behavior consequences model ABC. It's a simple yet effective model for use in DBT to understand how behaviors and emotions triggered. This model can be used to help clients identify their triggers, understand their relationships between emotions behaviors, find effective coping skills strategies. The benefit of using the ABC model is that it can help clients become more self-aware and self-awareness. We've covered before and how important that is the benefit or responsibility for their own actions. To use this model, therapist can work with clients to identify the anicdent, descendant, what happened before the behavior and what the client did or felt, and the consequence, what happened as a result or a particular situation. There's also EMDR, which is you know they do adaptive information, aip, the three-pronged approach I'm not going to cover all these the window of tolerance, cognitive interweave. Here are some strategic models for coping skills when working with trauma CBT, mindfulness-based stress reduction, like I said, dbt, trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy.

Speaker 1:

Acceptance and commitment therapy. Now you know what's. You know what's With trauma. You know you gotta have some resilience in fight and resilience, you know, is the ability to bounce back from adversity, handle stress in a healthy way. Resilience training is a process, you know we can't build it overnight. It takes time. Trauma is deeply distressing and disturbing. It can cause long term psychological emotional effects. Trauma can have a profound impact on a person's resilience. Resilience training can help individuals who have experienced trauma to build up skills they need to cope and overcome their experiences. Now an example would be like John has experienced a traumatic event. He is having a hard time coping with it. He feels like he's stuck in a negative cycle and can't move from the experience. Resilience training can help John build the skills he needs to cope with trauma and move forward. Now, like we said, building resilience through self-care.

Speaker 1:

Self-care is so important and I can't preach it enough. You are doing self-care, your mind and body are in a different place and you're so much further ahead and becoming that person you want to be, and building that resilience and self-care is the essential part of building resilience. Self-care isn't any activity that you do to take care of your physical, mental, emotional health. I personally like doing art never did it before. I like going out in nature, ball hunting, just like being out in the woods. I really enjoy my time with my dog because he's a service dog Australian Shepherd. He's supposed to be a mini but he ended up being very, very big, about 60-some pounds, which I don't think is a mini.

Speaker 1:

Engaging self-care can help you feel more resilient and better equipped to handle stress and trauma. Some examples of self-care include meditation, spending time in nature and getting enough sleep. Boy, that was pretty close to what I said. Now you can also develop resilience to overcome trauma with through social support. Social support is a crucial aspect of building resilience. Social support can come from family, friends, support through mental health. Having a support system can provide a sense of security and comfort and can help individuals to feel less alone dealing with trauma.

Speaker 1:

And don't forget about mindfulness. And with that we're going to cut it off here on War of the Mind and next week next episode I mean we're going to be giving away prizes to anybody that goes to our website, lj Voice Project, and writes us any comments, and whoever at the top first five that write us will get a prize and we'll surprise you tomorrow or the next episode with what your prize is. So if you're a listener, get on our website ljvoiceprojectcom and check out our Contact Us page and write us and see if you get a prize First five. I said First five and with that, keep hope alive and we're signing off and have a good day. I'm your host, lauren Johnson.

Understanding Trauma and Treatment Approaches
Building Resilience and Healing From Trauma
Giveaway Prizes for Mindful Listeners

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